
Pursuing Ethnicity's Ideals • Stories of Ethnic Minorities in HK

How do ethnic minorities seek health consultation service in Hong Kong? Does the language barrier hinder their access to basic health information?

Maria has been working at the Sham Shui Po District Health Center for three years. She has effectively leveraged her own ethnic minority (EM) background to proactively engage with EM members in the community, promoting Hong Kong's primary healthcare services. Maria is familiar with the health needs and concerns of ethnic minorities, which has enhanced their awareness and trust in health information. This has not only raised health consciousness within the community she serves but also driven greater health awareness within her own family and the entire ethnic community. While serving as a bridging role, Maria has also contributed to creating a more welcoming and reassuring primary healthcare environment for ethnic minorities. Let's watch Maria's story!

Dream Big Make Change

More than 60 youth leaders and 60 model families are wholeheartedly committed to becoming "Change agents". Their mission is to bring about positive transformations for communities, ethnic groups, and the entirety of Hong Kong. These ethnic minority individuals possess dreams and aspirations, regarding Hong Kong as their home and themselves as integral members of the city. Why not join forces with them in driving change? Let's come together "Dream Big Make Change"!


I can do it, You can do it, We can do it!


“I really love this job! In fact, we are capable of doing any job”

They are considered minority groups because of ethnicity and lesser population in Hong Kong. However, they also have talents and dreams like all of us.

Over 30 young talents with multicultural backgrounds participated in the “Professional Traineeship Programme for Ethnic Minorities” initiated by HKCSS with the support from The Government’s Anti-Epidemic Fund. They have completed their 1-year traineeship successfully in the business and social service sectors on 31 August 2023. The programme would not have been a success without unfailing participation of the young talents and the support from all the participating organisations. In addition to providing job opportunities, they actively foster an inclusive work environment, let the youth feel being accepted and unleash their potential.

Neighbours in Numbers: Understanding ethnic minority community in Yuen Long and Kwai Tsing

Neighbours in Numbers: Understanding ethnic minority community in Yuen Long and Kwai Tsing is a concerted effort between HKCSS, local social service partners, members of the community, government, public organisations and academia.

Part of the research findings from the HKiD Index as well as the Community Survey in Yuen Long and Kwai Tsing were covered in this publication. 

We hope these findings are able to inform the public about social inclusion and diversity, the exclusion faced by the EM community members, and with that to act for building a more inclusive and diversified home for all of us.

The online version of the research findings is available here.